
July 10, 2024
5 Reasons to Try Energy Gum Before Your Next Workout or Meeting
Run Gum
Run Gum
Run Gum Listicle
Run Gum Listicle
5 Reasons to Try Energy Gum Before Your Next Workout or Meeting
Food & Beverage
Individuals looking for quick energy boosts before workouts or meetings
Start with a Trial for $7.95 or Purchase One-Time (First-time customers can use code RTRD20 for 20% off)
Call to Action
Start with a Trial for $7.95 or Purchase One-Time
The page effectively promotes Energy Gum by addressing common pain points around convenience and speed of energy intake. It presents the benefits and features well, and clearly defines the target audience. The call to action is clear and incentivized with a discount, which is likely to convert well. Additionally, the page could be improved with customer testimonials or product ratings to further enhance trust and conversion.


  • Faster absorption of active ingredients
  • No need to fill the stomach with excessive food or liquid
  • Boost in cognitive function due to chewing gum
  • Lightweight and versatile, easy to carry
  • Time-saving product that provides energy without delay
  • Features

  • Sublingual and buccal absorption for quicker effect
  • Minimal effect on the digestive system
  • Cognitive enhancement from the act of chewing
  • Travel-friendly design
  • Purity Tested® for over 950 contaminants
  • Pain Points

  • Need for a quick energy boost
  • Desire to avoid filling the stomach with food or drinks before a meeting or workout
  • Requirement for enhancing cognitive function on-the-go
  • Necessity of a compact and travel-friendly energy source
  • Demand for a sustained energy supply throughout the day without a long wait